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Storia / History




  • In September 2002, a network between the Jean Monnet European Centres of Excellence of the Universities of Aix-Marseille III, Brescia, Catania, Crete, Complutense of Madrid, La Sapienza of Rome, and the Ecsa of Cyprus was established in order to carry on a transnational and interdisciplinary research project on Trans-Mediterranean relations at the time being: modernisation, integration, conflicts, intercultural dialogue. Co-ordinator of the project was Prof. Maria Grazia Melchionni.


  • Starting point of the project was the existence - in curricula studiorum of bachelor, degree and PhD offered by those Universities - of several disciplines dealing with Mediterranean matters. Professors and young researchers involved are members of the European Centres of Excellence. Their activity was policy oriented, trying to satisfy the need for update knowledge - considerably increased after the international events of the last decade - coming both form policy makers and from public opinion. The aim of the network has been: to give an interdisciplinary and transnational base to the research; to organise échanges des connaissances ; to connect young researchers belonging to different Academies; to spread out the research results.